Library of Heaven's Path Wiki

Appraiser (鉴宝师) specialize in the identifying of artifacts, pointing out their history and functions. They have unique tests to determine the ranking of an appraiser, such as the Harmonious Stream of Flowing Goblets.

However, they have a limitation. That is, regardless of how many correct artifacts they have identified in the past or how high ranked they are in the occupation, as long as they make three mistakes throughout their career, they would be stripped of their license immediately. Thus, appraisers are reluctant to confirm on an appraisal unless they are absolutely certain. Alternatively, they would also invite fellow appraisers to assess an artifact that give a ‘suggestion’ instead.


Upper Master TeacherApothecary (Apothecary GuildApothecary Pills)Beast TamerPhysicianFormation MasterBlacksmithSeer
Middle AppraiserPainting and Calligraphy MasterDisguiser
Lower TeacherPoison MasterTea Ceremony MasterCelestial DesignerGourmetDemonic TunistTerpsichoreSpirit Awakener
Special Soul OracleCombat Master